University of Pittsburgh 2022 Commuter Survey

young person wearing headphones on a bus with other commuters

University of Pittsburgh 2022 Commuter Survey

We strive for convenient multi-modal access to and through the Pittsburgh campus.  Prioritizing active and low carbon transportation options and mobility infrastructure not only contributes to achieving our goal of carbon neutrality by 2037, it also creates healthier, safer, and more sustainable places for the entire community.

In Fall 2022, we asked all Pitt students, faculty, and staff to participate in the University’s 2022 Commuter Survey. The results (contextualized with prior commuter survey responses below) provide valuable insight into Pitt community members' commuting choices. Moving forward, results are helping inform and guide the University’s transportation and mobility strategies, programs, and infrastructure investment planning.

Reflecting on past University and regional commuter surveys, the 2022 Pitt Commuter Survey focused on how individuals in our community get to, from, and around the Pittsburgh campus and other Pitt locations in Pittsburgh. The survey included questions about individuals’ commutes, including which transportation modes they use and their transportation and mobility needs, preferences, and opinions.

Results Overview

Thank you to all who participated in the 2022 Pitt Commuter Survey! Over 6,200 unique responses were recorded from students, faculty, staff, vendors, and contractors headed to Pitt destinations in Pittsburgh.

Survey responses were used to better understand how frequently various transportation modes are used by the Pitt community and to calculate our commuter mode split. The 2022 mode split shown below indicates the percentage of Pitt-destined commuter trips using modes ranging from walking to biking to public transit to driving alone. Remote work trips are commuter trips avoided due to flexible work arrangements.

The 2022 Pitt Commuter Survey results indicate that nearly 50% of the Pitt community is choosing shared and active modes of transportation; only 37% of commute trips are made in single occupancy vehicles.


2022 University of Pittsburgh Commuter Mode Split for Pittsburgh Destinations.
Data collected via Fall 2022 University-wide commuter survey deployed by the Offices of Mobility and Sustainability.


To understand how commute choices have changed over time, results from the University’s 2022 survey were contextualized with previous commuter survey responses collected via the 2015 and 2018 Make My Trip Count (MMTC) regional transportation surveys. Designed to understand how commuters in the Pittsburgh region get to work and their commuting needs, MMTC responses are included below for both commuters to the Oakland neighborhood and the University of Pittsburgh specifically.

Compared to prior commuter surveys, 2022 survey responses indicate that more Pitt commuters are choosing active commuting modes (walking, biking, and scooters). As a result of remote work, commuting via transit, carpooling, vanpooling, and driving alone are all down compared to previous years.


2022 University of Pittsburgh commuter mode split compared to previous regional Make My Trip Count commuter mode splits.


Report Summary