Join a Vanpool

Colleagues vanpooling to campus.

Whether you are looking to join a vanpool yourself or have multiple persons interested in vanpooling, our partners at CommuteInfo and Commute with Enterprise are here to help!

CommuteInfo in partnership with Commute with Enterprise organizes people based on participants’ locations and desired commuting dates and times to provide a new, personalized vanpool service using Enterprise vehicles. Vehicles range in size from SUVs to 12-passenger vans and will be leased to one of the vanpool participants.

How to Join a Vanpool

To join a vanpool, visit Commute with Enterprise's website and click "Join a Commute." CommuteInfo and Commute with Enterprise will contact you with the next steps. 

Contact to learn more about the CommuteInfo vanpool program in partnership with Commute with Enterprise.